Despite the English Society's lengthy existence, there is little written history regarding our organization. This page is an ongoing project to document major changes and events in the history of the English Society for future officers and students to look back on. Although it may be difficult or even impossible to trace back events prior to this timeline's creation in the fall of 2024, it is our hope that we will be able to note events as they occur going forward.

  • An idea is born


    The English Society was the brainchild of several undergraduates at the university, namely Ryan Holley, Jenna Lester, Steffe Gatton, Trent McMahon, Matt McLaughlin, Anthony Critelli-O'Donnell, and Madhu Koduvalli. These students brought the English Society into existence.

  • The English Society is established

    Spring 2010

    In 2010, the English Society was founded under the oversight of Dr. Anne Stapleton. Together with Dr. Stapleton, the goal of our founders was to bridge the gap between the undergraduate literary community at the university and the wider literary community in Iowa City.

  • Curating our history

    Fall 2024

    With the launch of the English Society's new website, overseen by Publicist & Webmaster Dennie Addis, a side project is launched to curate a timeline of major events and changes undergone by one of the oldest English organizations at the University of Iowa.

  • The Gerber Group Initiative is launched

    March 2025

    In an effort to better serve as a connecting point in the English community at the University of Iowa, the English Society began taking steps to compile information about the many student groups around campus. Launched as the Gerber Group, this initiative's aim was to build a list of English-related groups so that the English Society could connect students to their peers and other organizations that would best serve their goals in getting involved in the community.